Vsebina ni kralj. Je kraljestvo. 

Prehranska dopolnila

Kozmetika in nega

Kaj je Ana povedala o njeni neverjetni preobrazbi celulita?

Prijatelji in sodelavci me sprašujejo, ali sem izoblikovala postavo in tonizirala kožo s pomočjo teka, saj vedo, da sem veliko tekla. Rekla sem jim, da za to ni »kriv« tek, ampak poseben serum za oblikovanje postave in odstranjevanje celulita. No, najbolj vidne spremembe so ravne tiste, ki so me poprej najbolj motile. Zdaj imam gladko, mehko in sijočo kožo na zadnjici, spodnjem delu trebuha in stegnih oziroma v predelu od kolen navzgor. Koža ni več pomarančasta, ampak je videti zelo mladostno.

Nega in masaža obraza za pomlajeno, zdravo in sijočo kožo

Predstavljajte si, kako para nežno drsi in vlaži vašo kožo, medtem ko čutite masirajoč dotik, ki se premika po čelu, licih in bradi, ter blagodejni občutek hranilnega seruma, ki se postopoma vtira v kožo, ko se vaše mišice na obrazu povsem sprostijo. Masaža in nega obraza poskrbita, da bo vaša koža sijoča, zdrava in pomlajena, med kozmetičnim postopkom pa se boste prepustili luksuznemu tretmaju ter si tako odpočili um in telo.

41 letnica osupnila zdravnike, ko jim je razkrila, kaj ji je izbrisalo gubice

Nekje okoli 35 leta starosti sem na mojo grozo začela opažati, da je moja koža na obrazu vedno bolj suha in zategnjena, okoli oči in ust so se začele pojavljati prve tanke linije in gubice, imela sem podočnjake in nekoliko uvelo kožo, na čelu in nad ustnicami sem opazila prve pigmentne madeže, ki sem jih skušala prikriti z ličili. Dvajseta leta popolne mehke in sijoče kože zagotovo ne trajajo večno, a kako naj to spremenim? Nisem pričakovala, da se bom že pri 35 letih ukvarjala z znaki staranja.

Cryo Derm tretma za obraz

Cryo terapija v kombinaciji z ostalimi terapijami daje odlične rezultate iz vidika nege kože in estetskih tretmajev proti staranju kože na obrazu in na telesu. Pri tem se učinkovito zmanjšajo gube na obrazu ter celulit in strije na telesu, odpravijo se telesne maščobe, koža pa postane bolj čvrsta, mehka in pomlajena. Cryo terapija v našem salonu, ki se nahaja v Ljubljani, se izvaja s specializiranim CRYO DERM aparatom, ki omogoča izvajanje 4 različnih terapij, ki imajo skupaj učinek knajpanja.

Šport, hujšanje, prehrana

Take only 9 minutes exercises abdomen get rid of belly fat

It is vital to pick the right exercises if you aspire to achieve firm abdominal muscles, build a slim waist, and get rid of belly fat. A winning strategy with the right combination of exercises enables you to focus on activating particular muscles that contribute to a flat stomach. The advantage is that the guided workout regime is designed in a way that it will take you only 9 minutes, and you won’t get bored with the routine, as there are as many as five different exercises for the abdomen.

Abdominal Exercises To Help You Achieve a Flat Stomach

The good news is that research shows that fat cells, especially abdominal fat cells, are biologically active. It means that even if you are not currently happy with your belly shape, with structured exercise and a balanced diet, you can change the activities of belly fat cells and achieve a flat stomach. Not only do abdominal exercises for home help to build your muscles firm and therefore make your belly look flatter and in the best shape, workouts also strengthen your core and reduce body wei

How to increase testosterone levels with exercises?

Testosterone is also called the hormone of masculinity. If there is not enough testosterone in your body, you might suffer from different symptoms, such as hair loss, low energy levels, extra kilograms, and lack of self-confidence. Low levels of this hormone also have an impact on low libido and erection problems, and at the same time, the body begins to lose muscle mass. Nothing pleasant here, right? On the other hand, the good news is that you can increase testosterone levels with a variety o


Tour - panoramic hiking in Julian Alps

What to expect on Panoramic hike? From our headquarters in Bled, we will drive to 1400 meters high and with forests and pastures covered Pokljuka plateau, where the best Julian Alps trail starts to the top of the Mt. Debela peč with a stopover at a Bled mountain hut. There are two different starting points for the guided tour from the Pokljuka plateau. A Julian Alps hiking trail from Medvedova konta is a bit shorter as we will park the car at higher altitudes. In this direction, we will walk to

6 Day Trips from Ljubljana Just Two Hours Away

If you have booked accommodation and are staying for a few days in the Slovenian capital, then you have an excellent opportunity to visit other wonderful places in the country in addition to the capital, as Ljubljana day trips in all directions are less than two hours away. This is also a known feature in Slovenia, as you can make an early morning excursion to visit some of Slovenia’s best sights and return to the capital in the evening. Day trips from Ljubljana represent an excellent opportuni

Where to Eat in 6 Best Restaurants in Bled and Nearby

Tale of us, one of the finest restaurants in Bled, is situated in the centre of Bled, just opposite our main office on Ljubljanska Cesta 1. It is accessible on foot, by car or by bus, since it’s just a short walk away from the lake and from the bus stop, and there are plenty of parking spots nearby. On the restaurant’s menu, you can find an extensive offer of fine dishes from a varied cuisine that includes fish or meat, as well as options for vegetarians, all complemented by a touch of the Orie

Spletne trgovine

Ortopedska obutev - kategorije

Kvalitetna ženska profesionalna obutev blagovnih znamk Dr. Harvey in LEDIeco je zasnovana za zaposlene v zdravstvu in drugih dejavnostih, kjer delavci preživijo veliko časa na nogah ter zato potrebujejo obutev, ki odpravlja in preprečuje pekočo bolečino in utrujenost nog. Usnjena anatomska obutev Dr. Harvey spada pod certificirano delovno zaščitno obutev, saj nudi optimalno anatomijo in perforacijo na ležišču stopala. Šivani ženski natikači in sandali se prilegajo stopalu, pri tem pa imajo pomem

Oprema za dom


MP intervju: Željko Petrušić, EMSR DATA d.o.o.

Sodobna IT tehnologija omogoča skorajda neomejene možnosti avtomatizacije in poenostavitve – in ta potencial je še izjemno neizkoriščen. Poznavanje specifičnih zahtev procesov v proizvodnji nam omogoča, da podjetjem ponudimo učinkovite rešitve, ki odpravljajo ozka grla, zmanjšujejo število napak, ki so posledica človeškega faktorja in omogočajo boljši nadzor nad posameznimi operacijami. Sicer pa sem kot zunanji sodelavec skupaj s strokovnjakom iz Fakultete za računalništvo in informatiko sodelo

A Remote Business You Can Run Offline and Online | Isagenix

In addition to your services, you can also offer your loyal customers different products for a healthy life and well-being, which will enrich your business, while giving you a unique opportunity to earn extra money. If you are an entrepreneur, trainer, coach, or someone who would like to improve the health and wellness of your clients, you can offer Isagenix wide range of products, such as top-grade CBD oil, nutrition, and skincare products and essential oil products, while earning extra money

Zasledovanje vizije v doseganju bolj zdrave prehrane v podjetjih

Zdrava prehrana v podjetjih postaja ključnega pomena za doseganje in ohranjanje zdravja zaposlenih in njihovega dobrega počutja. Podjetja lahko na enostaven in cenovno ugoden način vključijo sadje, zelenjavo, okusne smoothije in oreščke v vsakdanjo delovno rutino. Zabojčke okusnega tropskega in lokalno pridelanega sadja in zelenjave v embalaži brez plastike lahko naročite preko spletne strani. V že 24 urah ali manj oziroma po dogovoru boste prejeli svoj zavojček na delovno mesto. Naročite sadni

Tiko Pro obeležuje 10 obletnico uspešnega delovanja

»Nahranite svoje ideje z nepovratnimi sredstvi«, je povabilo podjetja Tiko Pro, ki s svojimi ozko specializiranimi znanji in izkušnjami že celo desetletje pomaga slovenskim razvojnim in mednarodno usmerjenim podjetjem, da lahko pridobijo povratna in nepovratna sredstva iz nacionalnih razpisov in iz Evropske unije. Mariborsko podjetje, ki ga vodita direktorica Martina Anderlič in ustanoviteljica Kristina Kočet Hudrap, dobitnica priznanja Mlada podjetnica leta 2013, je v desetih letih zraslo v ek

Slovenski Kefirko za fermentacijo zelenjave pravi uspeh na Kickstarterju

Fermentor Kefirko je v zadnjih dneh doživel izjemen uspeh na platformi Kickstarter, kjer se zbirajo sredstva za financiranje inovativnih produktov. Trenutno so že presegli zahtevana sredstva, saj so potrošniki v celoti finančno podprli projekt že v petih urah od objave na platformi, kar je svojevrsten dosežek. Zbrana sredstva pa so se v enem dnevu kar podvojila. Fermentiranje hrane se uporablja že zelo dolgo, saj je bilo živila v preteklosti potrebno shraniti za kasnejše uživanje. To je naravni

Storitvene dejavnosti

Strokovna izjava o varnosti z oceno tveganja

• Nesreča nikoli ne počiva, prav tako tudi inšpektorji dela ne, ki redno opravljajo nadzore nad izvajanjem zakona in predpisov. Zakon za tovrstne prekrške določa kazni, ki se za delodajalce gibljejo od 2.000 do 40.000 €, za s.p. pa od 500 do 10.000 evrov. Izjava o varnosti z oceno tveganja, ki je sestavni del te izjave, je listina, ki jo podpiše delodajalec in s tem pisno izjavi, da izvaja vse ukrepe, ki so potrebni za zagotovitev varnosti in zdravja pri delu. Ukrepi se navezujejo na ustrez

How will studying abroad benefit your career?

A lot of students choose to take a break and explore the world before they enter the employment market. Many of them take a gap year to get some traveling done. Yet, it is important to know that future employers in some industries will not recognize a one-year traveling break as something positive, although it may have been an excellent experience for you. But what if you chose the opportunity of being able to combine traveling without compromising your education and career? International summe

Digitalne marketing agencije

Dobrodelne organizacije

Mental Health Emergency Coronavirus Appeal

The COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic is the biggest health crisis for generations, and it is having a devastating impact on the lives of young people and children across the world. The pandemic is also a mental health risk for our society. The uncertainty, the anxiety, the fear of becoming ill or seeing a loved one become ill, the loss of our normal routines, the difficulties of social connection, and in many cases the disruption to education could have a profound and devastating impact on mental h

Children’s lives and learning shouldn’t get lost in the crisis that we all find ourselves in.

Children’s lives and learning shouldn’t get lost in the crisis that we all find ourselves in. The “Digital divide” is the gap between those who have access to modern information and communication technology, such as the internet, and those who don’t. As many as eight million people in the UK do not use the internet and 90 per cent of them suffer from other kinds of economic or social disadvantages. An estimated 1 million CYP and their families in the UK don’t have adequate access to a device o

Battling the 'Digital Divide' Gap for our most disadvantaged Children & Youth

Data from the charities in the UK imply that the impact of not being able to access the internet has catastrophic consequences for the millions of people living in low-income households, with children being the most at risk. The digital divide expressed itself during the pandemic and pushed the most vulnerable groups even further to the margins of society. Difficulties with digital exclusion didn’t arise overnight, as the issue is known to many non-profit organizations for a long time. People w

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